Put your financial education into overdrive by attending a financial seminar that dives deeper into the E.I. Financial Improvement and Empowerment Philosophy and provides real life complex scenarios that put your financial intelligence to the test.
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When you read my book you’ll be walked through the 10 steps of my financial empowerment philosophy which cover how to effectively yet efficiently eliminate debt, save money and make wise investments. These steps towards securing a comfortable financial future & living without financial stress are briefly explained here.
I wrote “E.I. – 10 Steps to Become Economically Intelligent and Live a Financially Successful Life” to present my financial improvement philosophy in 10 simple steps that are easy to read and follow. Unlike most financial improvement books I put no “fluff” in the book and you don’t have to be an MBA graduate to understand it. I get right to the points of how to become E.I. and obtain true financial freedom. I wanted to ensure the book accommodated the standard, hectic lifestyle of the average working-class people. You won’t have to have a dictionary to read or understand my book and if you have any questions on the minor terminology I do use, you’ll be able to find the definitions in the glossary at the back of the book.